Tuesday 3 November 2009

Year 7 Emotional Health and Well-Being

New year 7 students began the year thinking about their past, present and future. The aim was to encourage them to think of positive futures for themselves. Here are some of the results:

Monday 26 October 2009

Last Term...This Term

Last term all students looked at Emotional health and Well-Being. Year 7 created Totem Poles celebrating their past, present and futures. Year 8 made Dream Catchers, carefully designed to capture their goals and dreams for the future. Year 9 students made charm bracelets which represented the things they felt were important.

This term, all students will be looking at Sex and Relationships.

Saturday 21 February 2009

Personal Safety

This term we are looking at personal safety. One important area we will be looking at in key stage 4 is personal safety.

Watch this video to get you thinking...

At key stage 3 you will be looking at road safety, amongst other things...

Monday 5 January 2009

A New Year, A New Term

I hope you all had a great Christmas and have come back to school with lots of enthusiasm for the new year.

Personal Well-Being takes a back seat this term. We will be looking at bullying and peer pressure towards the end of term, but for now the focus is on Economic Well-Being and Citizenship. Check out those sites for more details.