Friday, 7 November 2008

Year 7 Totem Poles

Last half term year 7 were thinking about their past, their present and their futures. They told their stories in the form of Totem Poles.

Thursday, 6 November 2008

Year 7

Last half term, year 7 students talked about where they come from and the people who are close to them. It was a way of getting to know each other in their first term at a new school. One project got them to put the people they know into 3 overlapping sets with themselves in the middle. The sets were; our family, our friends, people we work with.

Year 8 positive futures

Last half term, some Year 8 students thought about the things they would like to succeed in. They made themselves a trophy celebrating their future success to help inspire them to learn and work hard.

Year 8 PSHEE

Last term Year 8 students made some Dream Catchers to help them think about their plans for the future.